Employment Issues, Stock Option and Bonus Plans

Helping Companies Minimize Employee Issues and Protect Intellectual Property

Employment litigation causes businesses hundreds of millions of dollars each year, not including substantial internal disruption, time not spent focusing on business objectives, and time spent answering EEOC inquiries.

Employers usually can minimize employment liability risk exposure through having solid employee policy handbooks, implementing procedures to address potential wrongful employment practices, and ensuring that all procedures adopted are being carefully implemented and followed.

Implementation of Policies and Procedures

Once policies and procedures are drafted, it is critical that they are followed every time.  We work with companies to ensure that policies and procedures are being carefully followed.  If there are discrepancies between the policies and procedures and the manner in which they are being implemented, we can discuss with company management whether additional steps should be taken for implementation, or whether the policies and procedures need to be amended.

Protection of Intellectual Property and Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Agreements

We help companies implement policies, procedures, and contracts to help protect the development and ownership of intellectual property, and to prevent the disclosure of confidential and proprietary information.

If you are concerned that your company’s employee handbook and policies and procedures may not be adequately protecting your business, please call our firm.

Helping Companies Plan and Implement Stock Option and Bonus Plans.

Employee incentive programs, such as stock option and bonus plans, can be crucial in attracting and retaining key employees.  Such programs are subject to a sometimes complex interplay between ERISA, securities and tax laws, and can be a drain on company resources if they are difficult to manage.   We work with companies to sort out the legal complexities and develop incentive plans that work for the company without creating an undue burden on management.